
oil on canvas & velvet, valence, 72”x 96”x 2” 1987

oil, tempera, wood on fabrics, 96”x 72”x 24” 1989

(triptych) acrylic, highway yellow on 2200 lb. paper mounted on canvas over wood, 1989

1987, paint, gold leaf, brocade, 72”x 56”x 6” collection Museum of SE Texas

found objects, enamel, 96”x 37”x 16” 1985

(The Spiral Stairs) wood, oil paint, brocade, , 96”x 84”x 4” 1988

oil, Bondo, gold leaf on fabric, 73”x 57”x 7”, 1989

oil paint, found objects, brocade, 86”x 72”x 10”, El Paso Museum

Acrylic, Krylon, collage / canvas, 72x 56x 6”, Museum of South East Texas, Beaumont, 1986

oil, collage objects, canvas, 71”x 55”x 11” 1987

oil & signs on canvas sculpture, 120”x 72”x 6”, 48”x 72”x 36”, paint, barricade, chair leg, 1988

mixed media, 120”x 76”x 12” , 1988

(Death of Nature) diptych. oil, spray paint, wood, objects on velvet, 92”x 68”x 10” 1987

assembled found boards, 65”x 40”x 6” 1987

krylon, fabric, acrylic shellac, on 2200 lb. Arches, 60"x 40" 1984

oil on canvas, 60”x 46”x 2” 1984